Monday, April 15, 2013

Tips on Opening Your Own Intuition

I have good news for you, intuition is something that is innate in all of us! When I teach ThetaHealing, I am constantly reminding students that strengthening your intuition is just like strengthening a muscle. Just like we train our minds to play the piano and much like we train our muscles to dance or do a sport, we can become more intuitive with practice!

At the most basic level, intuition is a survival skill, it's what tells us to keep our distance from someone or someplace when walking down a dark street at night. Our feelings can be great signals of intuition. Fear, apprehension or conversely joy and excitement can give us clues about which way to turn in life. Perhaps surprisingly, we have all probably experienced premonition.  Have you ever thought of someone only to receive a phone call just after? I've had dreams before that played out the next day in detail. How about when you just know something? We just have to learn to trust our instincts. The more you pay attention to these occurrences, the more they will pop up! Below I offer some tips on tapping into your own intuition. 

Tips on Opening Your Intuition

1. Quiet the mind. Take a few minutes a day to meditate. The more we quiet the chatter, the easier our higher thoughts can come through. Fear based thinking blocks divine flow. When our ego is trying busy trying to figure a solution, our intuition is harder to hear. Taking time to quiet the mind and connect with your heart is essential. 

2. Listen. When I'm teaching people to see, hear or feel intuitively, I always warrant that generally your intuition is the very first thing that you get. Practice this by asking yourself a question, how does your inner voice respond? What is the first thing you hear? *Meditate first to quiet the mind*

3. Notice your instincts. Be aware during the day of how things make you feel. Your feelings are wonderful signals to your "knowing" self. Often clients will ask me for advice, only for me to ask them "how does it make you feel?" We know much more than we think!

4. Practice. I like to play games "testing" my intuition. When a text comes through or the phone rings, try to feel who it is before looking. Sometimes if I'm in yoga waiting for class to start, I'll see if I can "see" who's around me while my eyes are closed. Is it a male? Female? What color hair? Use your intuitive eye to "see" who's around!

Remember, we are all intuitive! 
It's just a muscle we have to strengthen! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What You Probably Don't Know About Manifesting!

I have spent YEARS posting my dreams on vision boards, practicing positive affirmations, praying to God without avail only to experience the same reality I started with (meanwhile clenching my fists at the universe for not bringing me what I so cleverly ordered.) Thirty-four years in the making, I have FINALLY harnessed what it takes to manifest from within, and I want to share with you what I've learned so you don't make the same mistakes I did! I'm teaching a 4 week intensive course and boy are we going to go deep, but here are a few basics and tips to help on creating the life you dream about!

If your life is not unfolding as you dream it to be, there is one simple reason, and it’s you! I mean this in the most constructive way and I’d like to offer some perspective and hopefully realistic tools to help in the process of manifesting and getting out of your own way! 

The seed of creation is thought. Yes, this is why positive thinking and feeling work works..some of the time. The matrix of manifesting our reality is within us, but it is also where we hold the barriers and false ideas about what is possible for us. The truth is WE ARE MANIFESTING ALL THE TIME. Our thoughts project our reality. Not only do we have to be cautious of our conscious thoughts, but we must also be aware of our subconscious thoughts. The subconscious accounts for nearly 90% of our behaviors! 

Do you want to know what your subconscious is holding? 
Just take a look at your life. What are you creating? 


A cliche double edge sword I guess, but let’s take a look at what this means. The subconscious is always working, computing and developing or calling on old coping mechanisms to keep us "safe". For example, the majority of my clients aren’t afraid of failure, they’re afraid of success! 

At first glance this seems unlikely, but what comes with success is what frightens them the most. Perhaps the FEAR is really being seen by others, being more accountable, or having to give up people or ways of being in their life that keep them comfortable! Maybe they grew up witnessing money causing problems, so why would they want it? Or perhaps they’ve just absorbed their parents ideas and limits on success. If I can indulge a bit more, the origin of our blocks are often not even our own, be it cultural programming about the economy or even ancestral beliefs. I was holding a belief that I was “proud to be poor” – surely not how my parents raised me, but genetically I carried a substantial history of poverty and with that a way of thought. It was cleared, and the next day I received an unexpected check in the mail for $1,000! As you can gather the reasons for NOT having may be outweighing the reasons for living abundantly! 

The good news is we CAN change our subconscious thoughts! As I mentioned, it took me some time to really get to the place of being able to manifest. I had to shed some old patterns, limited thinking and heavy relationship ties. ThetaHealing has catapulted my life in the best way. I am happier than I have EVER been, and this is not because of circumstance. I have pushed through the mud and limiting beliefs that were holding me back from living the life I dreamed about.

What can you DO??!
Here are some tips to make REAL change!

1. Create the time and space for in this case, vital introspection. You must look deeply into the truths and fears that you are holding and the behaviors that do not serve your next highest version of yourself! Do YOU fit in the grandiose life you are envisioning for yourself? Can you handle what it will require of you?  Are you ready to be honest about where you now and really do the work to get where you want to be? Lastly, how are the negative patterns SERVING you? For example, do you think you have the belief of "If I stay small I'm safer" or "If I procrastinate, I have freedom". 
2. Is there is something you can let go of today to live a little freer in love and acceptance of others? Breaking down and releasing old coping mechanisms, some of which aren’t even our own, will allow for your dream life to materialize. This work is so powerful, not only will it break down fears and barriers but it will also allow for your most aligned and rewarding purpose to unfold. The biggest changes I have witnessed in my clients come from clearing old resentments, most of which we don't realize we are holding.  Who can you forgive today? How can you be more open to receiving and giving LOVE? Inner balance = outer balance! Practicing surrendering is one of the keys to manifesting! 
3. What are your gifts? There could be new gifts, desires and ways of expression that are waiting to emerge from under fears and old paradigms. YOUR GIFTS AND JOY ACTIVATORS ARE YOUR GIFT TO THE WORLD! This is where your true abundance lies. What brings you JOY? Do more of it! I used to chase dreams that were not even my own. What will bring you true joy?
4. If you don't go within, you go without! The power within you is infinite, and so is the love. All we need is within us and available to us, today might be a good day to ‘clean house’ and make room for that mansion of abundance that you’ve been envisioning! Stop looking outside yourself! All your answers are within! Take some time each day to meditate, be silent and connect! 

Remember, we are manifesting all the time! 
What are you manifesting NOW? 

Check out my upcoming class if you're interested in clearing subconscious blocks!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Channeled Messages - Easter

I've recently learned how to channel. I channel direct messages from ascended masters, light beings and master guides for individual readings. Yesterday I sat down to create some time to channel and ask about Easter. What came next was beyond any expectation I could have hoped for. Well, actually my ego wanted to "pick" Jesus to connect with. (I use Doreen Virtue Ascended Master Cards to "see" who wants to talk). I figured he was really busy yesterday anyway and carried on. ;)

The cards I picked (or that picked me) were Moses, St. Francis of Assisi and King Solomon. Here is the kicker, I admittedly know VERY little about biblical stories (I've actually never picked up a bible) - further I have about zero knowledge of the Jewish faith and their scriptures. Luckily Moses filled me in.. St. Francis and King Solomon had beautiful messages as well. I am honored to share them with you.


Easter is a time to celebrate re-birthing of ideas, possibilities and perceived transgressions(healing and forgiveness). It is true that I was a friend of Jesus. We walked the planes for 40 days fasting to feed our souls. See, we were also learning how to balance the body and the connection to the divine as you are. We all choose a path to insight. Be it prayer, celebration, or solitude. God sees us during our time of contemplation and wonders in your glory as you do to Him. You were a shinning star reflecting light in this time of spiritual quest (I have been told I knew Jesus in a past life by a few intuitives so I was asking about this). Here you are again Dear One, this time blessing the planet with your gifts you learned from your solitude (what I learned from focused payer- probably via church/religion) but now in celebration of others and all their beauty. 

God is patient and kind about your choices of ascension and growth, it is you who wishes to progress quickly. Your aptitude as a student in this life mirrors your soul's desire to push through waters to create a great path. (He showed me this paralleling the parting of the Red Sea) All is possible through faith and thought. Pray today that collectively we re-birth ourselves out of limiting, fearful realities into God's grace of love and light. Create miracles through your connection with the divine using your powerful tool, the body. Carry with you only a basket full of love, let it overflow within you and around you to pour your goodness into the souls of others. (He was referencing Easter baskets! - and again the water.)


 We recognize the energies and prayer that are being heard around the world today. These churches are prayer centers, save havens where people feel they can enter without their stories and strifes. They wish to be embraced and heard by the divine. No matter the words they use or the stories that are told (different religions), their souls yearn for this connection and hold hopes of heaven and its saving grace. (This was more like they dream to remember and feel pure love from which they came). 

Pray for peace today, for peace within the souls that seem lost, as their feet are not firmly on the ground. Pray that they again find Gods path ignited within their heart. A remembrance of what is true. This basket Moses speaks of represents our souls' desires to give our gifts of love and lessons learned. A basket cannot hold water, it retains only the changes and rifts the water created. (This was so beautiful to me, he is saying not to hold onto the circumstances, but how it has changed you). Life is short, brief and precious. How do you chose to GIVE and experience this precious time? LOVE ONE ANOTHER- THIS IS FINDING AND KNOWING GOD. 


We are studying the grids of the earth and how they are changing due to the energy that you are all creating. All things are made of energy, you are literally mapping your reality. Things are felt and experienced without time and space. Today is a beautiful and especially love centered day because of the focused prayer and connection that is occurring. Wouldn't it be nice if every day was so? 

CHANGE AWAITS BUT IT BEGINS WITIHN. True healing begins with the heart. Ask how can we love one another? This sense of separation causes chaos in divine order. Peace subsides when desires are of the ego. How can I serve was Jesus's mantra. But did people hear him? Even the awakened were fearful of waking up fully to their true power. It can create an alternate reality. There lies a parallel of us waiting for Jesus to return in waiting for something outside of us to make something better (being a victim to circumstance instead of creating possibilities within). He even showed me pills and stimulants that people reach for to make themselves feel better. Where and how can you access Jesus light within? Listen to your heart, your childlike desires are of the utmost truth, they are closest to divine truth. Be a new-born today, what miracles await within you to be birthed for the collective? 

Please visit my website at 
If you are interested in a personal channeled reading, I can channel your master guide

Thank you Denise Warfield for sharing this priceless gift, I don't know if I will ever be able to fully express my gratitude to you for all that you have taught me and the great changes you are making at this time. Thank you. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


From Quan Yin
You can be a master of love or a slave to the ego. Learning how to love yourself will be the greatest gift you receive.

If you are in a relationship or looking for a relationship, this is the best gift you can give your partner as well! From a full cup of self-love, you have the capability to love one another freely without the restraints of the ego. (Showing its face as jealousy, control, lack and separation). From this place, you are not looking at them to fill something within you, you are able to see someone in their fullest essence, and in this, your eyes are awakened to the inner makings of what LOVE really is.

Feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day? In this moment you are just forgetting your own TRUTH. Love is being a master of your own divine essence. Today remember the truth about yourself, the great capability that you hold-the unique expression that you are. NO ONE IS LIKE YOU, you have incredible gifts to share with the world. Write yourself a love letter today! Try it as a free writing experiment as a letter to you from the universe and see what happens. Love begins within. Romantic love is just an amplification of love with another. How do you call this romantic love in? LOVING YOURSELF FIRST.  

The truth is, no one is going to come and make you feel loved. No one is responsible for making you feel anything, and even if they do, it’s only temporary and it will never be fully satisfying- you’ll keep searching for it like a love addict.  Love begins within. Our thoughts about ourselves and others determine how we experience the world. Allow others to love you by loving yourself, this is the only way they really can!

Today see life through the eyes of love, extend yourself out to the world from the place within you that only dwells love, this is your true essence. Underneath the persona, story, ego and role you are playing lies pure love, truth and wisdom. Romance is a uniting of souls, it is a link effect so that we remember love/god and all that we are!

This blog was inspired by channeled messages from Quan Yin, Archangel Daniel, Metatron, Amatarasu. Below are the direct messages I received from then when asking what to share with you all in this blog! These are notes and these are some of my first channeled messages :) 

Tunning your Channel to Love.

Quan Yin
We can be a master of love or a slave to the ego. Teach them how to love themselves, this will be the greatest gift they can receive. From this place, they have the capability to love one another freely without the shackles of fear. Seeing someone in their fullest essence means your eyes are awakened to the innermakings of gods love. Uniting on this special day can be romantic for the soul. Valentiens Day is a day of love, what better day then to rejoice in your fullest potential. They are forgetting their truth (feeling lonely/lack). Love is being a master of your own divine essence. Why do we yearn for love I asked? For an amplification of love to be expressed with another.

We need to be reminded that there is an infinite well of divine love within us. Because of your reality, you seek things that you can touch, taste, feel and see. This is not a bad thing, just a matter of perception. Love begins within Our thoughts about ourselves and others determine how we experience the world. It is like an operating system (our nerves). It is time that keeps us separate instead use your body as a vessel for love, ALLOW OTHERS TO LOVE YOU (BE YOU FREELY/COME OUT OF THE CLOSET)IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY REALLY CAN.


I asked what is Chemistry? It is a uniting of souls/link effect so they can work together, remember god, ancients had this balance, now it is possible again!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Namaste Living

"I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
 I honor the place in you which is 
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace,
 when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me, 
we are ONE."

Perhaps I’m high on endorphins post shavasana when my yoga teacher recites the meaning of “Namaste” but my heart resonates with this every time I am reminded of the simple yet profound definition. It’s not just a gesture, greeting, or mantra- it embodies a way in which we can potentially live and experience life. Perhaps an audacious assessment, but I believe it’s the fundamental solution for world peace and global balance. If we are honoring all that we truly are, we are in turn removing the falsities of separation and allowing others to reside in the same place. In simple terms, our job is to remember all that we are and to remind others of the same.

But is it easy to hang out in “Namaste” when you go out into the world? We savior glimpses of “Namaste” moments in our lives, but tend to slip right back into hindering ourselves because of fear and forgetfulness. Forgetting that we all have a unique, divine, extraordinary purpose here and that we are here, collectively, to live a meaningful life. A “Namaste” consciousness cannot be reached by comparing ourselves to others or by or judging our neighbor for some seeming inadequacy or irrelevant difference.

We have created a culture and reality of separation, of “us” and “them”. From political lines, religious differences, belief systems, class structures and social cliques, we have built barriers around ourselves that really only block love. We must realize that “they” may have a different story but underneath that story they just like you: loving, kind individuals who are innately compassionate and empathetic. This sense of division and near reflex of rivalry not only keeps us separate, it also keeps us complacent and frozen from making the difference we are intended to make here.

To me, the “Namaste” expression compatibly embodies the idea that we are all here with a unique purpose to fulfill. When you are seeing yourself and others in all of their glory, you are seeing all that they are capable of. The clues to our unique gifts and purpose are the things that bring us joy! Do not underestimate the things that bring you joy, this is your calling, and in truth is our natural state of being. It is too often we play small in the world and get tripped up on the ego’s desperate needs to be right, to have, or to win. The most commendable and rewarding thing you can do in life is to follow your heart.  Desire is placed within you for a reason. We are programmed for perfection and full expression and everything you need is within. The gifts you have are unique and perfect for the unfoldment of your evolution and expression of your fullest potential. We are just scratching the surface of what we are capable of. This “Namaste” consciousness runs parallel to Taoism, the ancient theory that we intrinsically know our purpose and path, if we can all walk these unique paths by activating and acknowledging all that we are, we come together perfectly as nature does, congruent, harmonious, organized and stable. So when I am in that place in me, and you are in that place in you, we are one. 

Below are a few simple tips to help us align ourselves with a daily “Namaste” lifestyle.

As my friends and I say “N’ I’mma stay Namaste” ;)

  1. Breathe – be present, notice the world around you. Notice the people in their cars, acknowledge the lives around you, even the trees. You’ll be surprised how much opens up within you and as a consequence, to you.

  1. Do things that bring you joy! What makes you happy? Start small; maybe it’s a cup of coffee or a trip to the beach. Then start to expand this awareness, if you didn’t have to “work” what you would you be doing? This is your part of your purpose. Start taking small steps, if it’s writing, you don’t have to write a book tomorrow, just start journaling.

  1. Say Thank You. From big to small, what can you be thankful for? How about your body? We’re so hard on our bodies, thankful that you can do yoga, dance walk, listen to music, not everyone has the ability to do these things. Start a gratitude list or just one thing a day you can be thankful for. My friends and I have a gratitude email chain, we write 5 things we are thankful for and share with each other at least once a month.

  1.  Pray. Meditate. Think. Go within and extend this energy out. Take time everyday to check in with yourself, most importantly when things aren’t going the way you’d like them to. What can you let go of? How can you see the situation differently? You’ll be amazed at what 5 minutes of meditation can do for you a day. Start your day off fresh!

  1. Give more. Where can you offer your love and energy? What pulls your heartstrings? Is it animals? The homeless? Children? Look into volunteering. You’ll be amazed what you actually receive when you give. Further, what opportunities will open up within and for you when you become involved with a purposeful community? It can change your life!

  1. Try really seeing people. We forget how amazing we are. This includes YOU! Remind yourself in the mirror every morning of all that you are and all that you are capable of! SEE your friends, neighbors, and even enemies for all that they really are. Imagine them in their truest light.

  1. Forgive. Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Resentment and grudges really just store energy in our own minds, hearts and souls. Forgiving someone takes away a sense of victimization and converts the energy to love, freedom and empowerment. Who can you forgive

“There are no idle thoughts.” Course in Miracles  - Let us be conscious in our thoughts and lives, and vow together, for the betterment of ourselves and for the sake of joy and each other, “N’Imma stay Namaste”!