Monday, April 1, 2013

Channeled Messages - Easter

I've recently learned how to channel. I channel direct messages from ascended masters, light beings and master guides for individual readings. Yesterday I sat down to create some time to channel and ask about Easter. What came next was beyond any expectation I could have hoped for. Well, actually my ego wanted to "pick" Jesus to connect with. (I use Doreen Virtue Ascended Master Cards to "see" who wants to talk). I figured he was really busy yesterday anyway and carried on. ;)

The cards I picked (or that picked me) were Moses, St. Francis of Assisi and King Solomon. Here is the kicker, I admittedly know VERY little about biblical stories (I've actually never picked up a bible) - further I have about zero knowledge of the Jewish faith and their scriptures. Luckily Moses filled me in.. St. Francis and King Solomon had beautiful messages as well. I am honored to share them with you.


Easter is a time to celebrate re-birthing of ideas, possibilities and perceived transgressions(healing and forgiveness). It is true that I was a friend of Jesus. We walked the planes for 40 days fasting to feed our souls. See, we were also learning how to balance the body and the connection to the divine as you are. We all choose a path to insight. Be it prayer, celebration, or solitude. God sees us during our time of contemplation and wonders in your glory as you do to Him. You were a shinning star reflecting light in this time of spiritual quest (I have been told I knew Jesus in a past life by a few intuitives so I was asking about this). Here you are again Dear One, this time blessing the planet with your gifts you learned from your solitude (what I learned from focused payer- probably via church/religion) but now in celebration of others and all their beauty. 

God is patient and kind about your choices of ascension and growth, it is you who wishes to progress quickly. Your aptitude as a student in this life mirrors your soul's desire to push through waters to create a great path. (He showed me this paralleling the parting of the Red Sea) All is possible through faith and thought. Pray today that collectively we re-birth ourselves out of limiting, fearful realities into God's grace of love and light. Create miracles through your connection with the divine using your powerful tool, the body. Carry with you only a basket full of love, let it overflow within you and around you to pour your goodness into the souls of others. (He was referencing Easter baskets! - and again the water.)


 We recognize the energies and prayer that are being heard around the world today. These churches are prayer centers, save havens where people feel they can enter without their stories and strifes. They wish to be embraced and heard by the divine. No matter the words they use or the stories that are told (different religions), their souls yearn for this connection and hold hopes of heaven and its saving grace. (This was more like they dream to remember and feel pure love from which they came). 

Pray for peace today, for peace within the souls that seem lost, as their feet are not firmly on the ground. Pray that they again find Gods path ignited within their heart. A remembrance of what is true. This basket Moses speaks of represents our souls' desires to give our gifts of love and lessons learned. A basket cannot hold water, it retains only the changes and rifts the water created. (This was so beautiful to me, he is saying not to hold onto the circumstances, but how it has changed you). Life is short, brief and precious. How do you chose to GIVE and experience this precious time? LOVE ONE ANOTHER- THIS IS FINDING AND KNOWING GOD. 


We are studying the grids of the earth and how they are changing due to the energy that you are all creating. All things are made of energy, you are literally mapping your reality. Things are felt and experienced without time and space. Today is a beautiful and especially love centered day because of the focused prayer and connection that is occurring. Wouldn't it be nice if every day was so? 

CHANGE AWAITS BUT IT BEGINS WITIHN. True healing begins with the heart. Ask how can we love one another? This sense of separation causes chaos in divine order. Peace subsides when desires are of the ego. How can I serve was Jesus's mantra. But did people hear him? Even the awakened were fearful of waking up fully to their true power. It can create an alternate reality. There lies a parallel of us waiting for Jesus to return in waiting for something outside of us to make something better (being a victim to circumstance instead of creating possibilities within). He even showed me pills and stimulants that people reach for to make themselves feel better. Where and how can you access Jesus light within? Listen to your heart, your childlike desires are of the utmost truth, they are closest to divine truth. Be a new-born today, what miracles await within you to be birthed for the collective? 

Please visit my website at 
If you are interested in a personal channeled reading, I can channel your master guide

Thank you Denise Warfield for sharing this priceless gift, I don't know if I will ever be able to fully express my gratitude to you for all that you have taught me and the great changes you are making at this time. Thank you. 

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