Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What You Probably Don't Know About Manifesting!

I have spent YEARS posting my dreams on vision boards, practicing positive affirmations, praying to God without avail only to experience the same reality I started with (meanwhile clenching my fists at the universe for not bringing me what I so cleverly ordered.) Thirty-four years in the making, I have FINALLY harnessed what it takes to manifest from within, and I want to share with you what I've learned so you don't make the same mistakes I did! I'm teaching a 4 week intensive course and boy are we going to go deep, but here are a few basics and tips to help on creating the life you dream about!

If your life is not unfolding as you dream it to be, there is one simple reason, and it’s you! I mean this in the most constructive way and I’d like to offer some perspective and hopefully realistic tools to help in the process of manifesting and getting out of your own way! 

The seed of creation is thought. Yes, this is why positive thinking and feeling work works..some of the time. The matrix of manifesting our reality is within us, but it is also where we hold the barriers and false ideas about what is possible for us. The truth is WE ARE MANIFESTING ALL THE TIME. Our thoughts project our reality. Not only do we have to be cautious of our conscious thoughts, but we must also be aware of our subconscious thoughts. The subconscious accounts for nearly 90% of our behaviors! 

Do you want to know what your subconscious is holding? 
Just take a look at your life. What are you creating? 


A cliche double edge sword I guess, but let’s take a look at what this means. The subconscious is always working, computing and developing or calling on old coping mechanisms to keep us "safe". For example, the majority of my clients aren’t afraid of failure, they’re afraid of success! 

At first glance this seems unlikely, but what comes with success is what frightens them the most. Perhaps the FEAR is really being seen by others, being more accountable, or having to give up people or ways of being in their life that keep them comfortable! Maybe they grew up witnessing money causing problems, so why would they want it? Or perhaps they’ve just absorbed their parents ideas and limits on success. If I can indulge a bit more, the origin of our blocks are often not even our own, be it cultural programming about the economy or even ancestral beliefs. I was holding a belief that I was “proud to be poor” – surely not how my parents raised me, but genetically I carried a substantial history of poverty and with that a way of thought. It was cleared, and the next day I received an unexpected check in the mail for $1,000! As you can gather the reasons for NOT having may be outweighing the reasons for living abundantly! 

The good news is we CAN change our subconscious thoughts! As I mentioned, it took me some time to really get to the place of being able to manifest. I had to shed some old patterns, limited thinking and heavy relationship ties. ThetaHealing has catapulted my life in the best way. I am happier than I have EVER been, and this is not because of circumstance. I have pushed through the mud and limiting beliefs that were holding me back from living the life I dreamed about.

What can you DO??!
Here are some tips to make REAL change!

1. Create the time and space for in this case, vital introspection. You must look deeply into the truths and fears that you are holding and the behaviors that do not serve your next highest version of yourself! Do YOU fit in the grandiose life you are envisioning for yourself? Can you handle what it will require of you?  Are you ready to be honest about where you now and really do the work to get where you want to be? Lastly, how are the negative patterns SERVING you? For example, do you think you have the belief of "If I stay small I'm safer" or "If I procrastinate, I have freedom". 
2. Is there is something you can let go of today to live a little freer in love and acceptance of others? Breaking down and releasing old coping mechanisms, some of which aren’t even our own, will allow for your dream life to materialize. This work is so powerful, not only will it break down fears and barriers but it will also allow for your most aligned and rewarding purpose to unfold. The biggest changes I have witnessed in my clients come from clearing old resentments, most of which we don't realize we are holding.  Who can you forgive today? How can you be more open to receiving and giving LOVE? Inner balance = outer balance! Practicing surrendering is one of the keys to manifesting! 
3. What are your gifts? There could be new gifts, desires and ways of expression that are waiting to emerge from under fears and old paradigms. YOUR GIFTS AND JOY ACTIVATORS ARE YOUR GIFT TO THE WORLD! This is where your true abundance lies. What brings you JOY? Do more of it! I used to chase dreams that were not even my own. What will bring you true joy?
4. If you don't go within, you go without! The power within you is infinite, and so is the love. All we need is within us and available to us, today might be a good day to ‘clean house’ and make room for that mansion of abundance that you’ve been envisioning! Stop looking outside yourself! All your answers are within! Take some time each day to meditate, be silent and connect! 

Remember, we are manifesting all the time! 
What are you manifesting NOW? 

Check out my upcoming class if you're interested in clearing subconscious blocks!

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